When I was born, A woman was there to screw me: Nurse A woman was able to make my dear mom cry: Grand mother When I grew up, A woman was there to push me down and say "we were playing" : Sister I went to school a woman was there to punish me: Teacher When was texting a woman was able to break my phone: Mother I was happy and alone, A woman was able to put hole in my purse: Girlfriend A woman was able to get my bank balance to zero and exceed my credit card limit: Wife I was working hard and sleep late still a woman was able to spoil my sleep: Daughter My boy will not be able to feel safe and sleep sound without me by the side, but a woman was able to make him hate me: Daughter-In-Law Even if I die a woman will eat me : Land This is a parody to the pic posted on I Hate LOnlinezz But It Lovez ME More, FB https://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=313250332042462&set=a.207161535984676.60766.206974312670065&type=1&theater If you are a man realize where ...
free from spelling and grammatical check, just keepin it human