Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder that most people think of when someone says they have trouble sleeping, pop culture has put such spin on it. But there are other disorders too like sleep deprivation (not enough sleep), sleep apnea (snoring/breathing trouble while sleeping, caused by reduced oxygen level); there are also other terrors like acting out dreams in the physical world, awake but muscles are paralysed, teeth grinding and shouting out dreams. But, I'm suffering from the most common form of sleep disorder of the 21st century; I always wake up tired, no it is not hypersomnia. This post is going to be sort of self-shaming one, in order to change my habit. Confession: I'm a big YouTube consumer, I consume too much to even remember them all the next day even though I follow quality contents still they are useless if I forget them all. Almost all of the channels I follow hosts, education, science, history, general health, environment, computer and related stuff; my ...
free from spelling and grammatical check, just keepin it human