An abstract overview for building a LAN is presented here, you can use the essence of article to build LAN with any other router you can lay your hands on. That said don't confuse modem with router, most routers are modem but a modem simply can't be router* Post is written in the hope that reader is equipped with basic knowledge about connecting line to splitter to router to device you want to use. It is assumed the your modem is configured for both wireless and ethernet access. My work requires that I interact daily with servers using putty or such terminal emulator, gradually I loved doing work the *nix way. This made me install Cygwin in almost every machine I use, thanks to MobaXTerm I need not do that anymore :) Off story on to TODO. 1. Connect the machines you want to use to Router That's all! Your router takes care of establishing (W)LAN Surprisingly simple to establish LAN, but the hard part is knowing how to use the systems connected in the network. Here...
free from spelling and grammatical check, just keepin it human