/* * DOCUMENTATION(Special for first edition): * Codealyrics# - Because maintainable code is as soothing as song * Not a replacement of lyrics but a rebirth * OOP concept helps in understanding * # - Pronouced as Codeஇல்லlyrics * * How to enjoy- * 1.Go thru Code without trying to sing * 2.Capture flow of blocks from 'SING SONG' block * (Photographic memory or something) * 3.Turn on song follow 'SING SONG' block */ /* *File Specific Documentation * @author Shiva hari kumar - @pbshiva *Album: I (Tamil movie) *Song: Pookkale Sattru Oivedungal *Composer : AR Rahmaan * *<!--Comments not lyrics--> */ <!--DECLARTAION--> LeadMale him = song.film.getLeadMale(); Pookal poo = new Pookal<>; FemaleLead her = him.getLadyLove(); def init KickSong: do{ voice = him.voice(); poo.wait(); declare HER_ARRIVAL }while(her.isArrived()); <!--DECLARATION COMPLETED--> <!--SONG BLOCKS BEGINS--> volati...
free from spelling and grammatical check, just keepin it human