How many of us are ready to sit next to the unknown person in a bus? and how many of us ready to give ‘like’ to cute photo posted by anyone on a social networking site? Obvious second question will out number first by 90% ok if you feel I’m tricking you like hedge fund analyst then try answering next question. Your friend works 2 floors above you, today is his birthday will you walk to wish him or send a (c)tweet or post a wish on wall or mail with mutual friends on cc?(in-case you are not going to get any treat) Very much a debatable topic, lets look deep into the word ‘Social’ and how it was regarded a decade back. Millennium saw new changes Globalization seed showed visible growth. People started to handshake with most people they met, in India caste and complexion difference got eradicated with the Gen X getting on top. Couple of decade back my mom was employed before marriage, she used to share her office experience at times where she met her man and got marrie...
free from spelling and grammatical check, just keepin it human