Tamil was awarded with classical status ahead of Sanskrit which was showcased to be the classical language of India. But the World decided against it they declared Tamil as Holy a year before Sanskrit on 2004. The question is not when Tamil’s started celebrating it but when will they at least realize that their own language is to be portrayed as CLASSIC. So what does this CLASSIC means, which organization has the rules and rights for a language to be declared as CLASSIC? Europeans started this habit of declaring languages as classic they set standards from the qualities exhibited by Ancient Greek and Latin. A classical language must be able to withstand on their own scripts and words, could have given raise to multiple languages. For a language to be classical it has to fulfill the following Antiquity – Long History Harmony – Rhythmic sound in pronunciation Clarity – Must be clear Restraint – Ability to stand alone without other languages Serenity - Clear from unpleasan...
free from spelling and grammatical check, just keepin it human